Saturday, January 3, 2009

So you have a nagging feeling something may be happening to someone you know. What now?
That depends on what that feeling implies as well as who this information is about.
If this impression involves a distant relative you met once at a family reunion, it may be best to simply make a note of the information and see what transpires.
If, on the other hand, this information is tied to a dear friend with whom you share all the inner most intimate details of your life with, you may be better received.

What will the information you have do for the other person? If you have the impression some form of doom is soon to be visited on your near and dear one, ask yourself if what you have to share will be helpful to those involved.
Is your psychic intuition giving you the juicy details of a dear friends love life? Ask yourself how you knowing the outcome of this relationship would best serve your friend. It may be that your impression is there to help you be an empathetic shoulder to cry on and not the voice of reason waiting to say I told you so.
If you do decide to discus your impressions with the person in question you may want to take these steps beforehand.

Take note of what your feelings are telling you. Are there mental pictures that come to mind?Any key words you may use to interpret your impression? Can you accurately articulate what this feeling is trying to tell you?

Now put yourself in the other person's shoes. How would you feel if someone came to you with this type of information. If the person you are about to share your story with is not comfortable hearing the information or perhaps not comfortable with how you came to know this, will this influence your future interactions?
Some very open minded people may nonetheless be sidetracked with the thought of someones psychic intuition entering their life.

So now you've made the leap, shared this information and all was well received. End of story? Not at all. Things are about to get very interesting.
More on how to handle what's to come with my next installment